Its good. How good? If you like any of the X-men movies and you also liked the character
Wolverine (Which is just about everyone) you'll like this movie.
Ignore the ignorant dumb-ass critics and watch this. No its not deep, no there are no surprises. This is an origin movie, translated its about how Wolverine became the person you saw in previous 3 X-Men movies.
So if you didn't enjoy the X-Men shows, or Wolverine himself, obviously you're not going to like this show. The rest of us are in heaven.
I like how after watching this show, it made me want to watch X-Men again because the story just picks up from there. Its literally like the same show. Awesome.
Hugh Jackman is in superb form (I mean that in every way possible). I was concerned with the show having so many stars in it, but fear not. The focus is on Wolverine and instead of hiring no-bodies for the secondary characters, they were able to get stars. That's it. If anything else it adds to the movie.
The ONLY fans who might be disappointed with the show are hard-core comic book readers who adhere religiously to the cannon and can quote line and verse from the comics. The director did take significant liberties with some aspects of the history and other characters but only the really hard-core will notice.
I do hope it does very very well. $90 million weekend well, because if you stay all the way till the end of the credits, there's a 10 sec shot of Wolverine in Japan. AWESOME!!!!
A great start to the summer movie season.
I rate X-Men Origins: Wolverine a 9.5/10How could it get that extra 0.5? Well... its a personal preference but someone other than Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth and much more scenes with Hugh and Ryan Reynolds topless.