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Movie Review - The Simpsons

Just caught this movie. I have to say that after a long dry movie spell earlier this year, there have been a ton of great shows released this summer and there are more to come.

I'm a Simpsons fan but not a HUGE one. I own all the Simpsons DVD's released thus far but I don't have them all memorized or anything like that. You'd be surprised at how many fans can list and recite Simpsons episodes front and back.

Anyway, if you like the Simpsons at all then go watch the movie. Its like watching a really good long episode of the cartoon. And I must admit that its some of the best writing for the show that I've seen recently.

There are even some important character developments for the Simpsons triva. Lisa get's a real boyfriend, we see a glimpse of Bart's penis (I kid you not) and we hear Maggie's first spoken word (to catch it, watch the ending credits all the way through). Did I also mention the new song "Spider Pig"?

I really enjoyed it and its one of those shows where everyone in the theater was giggling. I give this one a 5/5.

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