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One of the staples of Chinese New Year is the giving and eating of oranges. This year when I went to the grocery store instead of getting normal oranges I got something better. Minneola.

They are orange in color and look like oranges but with that weird bump on the top, so they are more pear shaped than circular. But inside they look and taste just like oranges.

Here's the best part about them, their color is actually a richer deeper orange than most oranges and the skin is thick and so makes it very peelable. Taste-wise they are actually very sweet, and best of all, seedless!!!

I did some research and found that they are actually a hybrid of Mandarin and Grapefruit, and currently they are also cheaper than most other varieties of oranges.

I think I'm a full fledged Minneola convert. No more round oranges for me, my citrus of choice is the Minneola.

Maybe the Minneolas in Japan are just that bit different from those that stay in the USofA.

Was in Japan looking for fruits. Saw the Minneola from USA. Remembered your recommendation that they were sweet, deep orange in color etc etc. Bro, they got that grapefruit after taste man. And not particularly sweet either. Pretty regular oranges. That's from eating all 4 coz no1 else wanted them after the first taste - & i like grapefruit.

The sister

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