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I first heard about Ebichu from eins several years ago and ever since I've been a total fan of this anime. It is an anime about a cute, family-friendly hamster that likes to keep the home tidy. However, the situations that said hamster puts herself in and/or is witness to are not exactly family-friendly situations.

It's hard to explain Ebichu, I think Wikipedia does it best:
Most episodes follow Ebichu, a talking hamster devoted to her oft-indifferent owner, who is only identified as OL (”Office Lady”), a single 25 year old (this is the age Japanese women are considered nearing the end of the ideal marrying age) who doles out cynical commentary and the occasional beating on the rodent. Ebichu tends to take this in stride with endless praise and compliments. However, such abuse is usually caused by Ebichu’s almost disturbing lack of tact or propriety, often embarrassing her master in front of other people.

Anyway, I tried uploading this on youtube months ago but the files were simply too large. I'm glad someone managed to shrink them and now everyone can enjoy Ebichu. This is the very first episode. I highly recommend it.

Be warned its not work safe or sutiable for kids.

Click here to watch more episodes of Ebichu!!!

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